Material Type: Vacuum Shaped Ceramic Fibre Boards
Classification Temperature: From 1260 °C up to 1600 °C, depending on grade.
Description: Kaowool™ 1260, Strong, 1400 and 1600 boards are produced from refractory fiber compositions specially developed to give rigid, self- supporting boards with excellent high temperature properties. Designed for use in applications requiring higher rigidity than blanket forms, and, as a result of its higher density, has improved thermal insulation properties and abrasion resistance.
Kaowool boards are obtained by vacuum forming process. The process allows the production of white boards in a wide dimensional choice with an excellent homogeneity throughout the thickness which eases machining of the boards when needed. All board formulations contain a small amount of organic binder to improve the cold handling strength and this burns out on first firing at approximately 200-300 °C.